An Introduction to Me.

This is me, Canden. Pictured here I am wearing a business suit, on a movie set, pulling a suitcase and holding an iPhone. While this photo is techinically completely represents who I am. I am a smart, educated businesswoman with a college degree in International Relations and Italian. I work most of the year traveling the country as a professional product specialist representative for BMW. I also work in Hollywood as an On-Camera television host and commercial actress. Recently, I've also become a writer. Whew! Yes, all these things are true and yes, I am usually juggling one or two (or even 3) at the same time. Sometimes, I'm skype auditioning from my hotel room on the road, and sometimes I'm working special events here in LA. Wherever I am is my office! I have a habit of following my passions like a rabbit down a rabbit hole. For better or for worse I seem to find many rabbit holes that intrigue me! So, I've decided to keep funneling my passions together and doing what I love until it all comes together in the perfect smoothie! Look at me, already talking about food. Well, to be honest, my love and constant desire for good food is what inspired me to start writing and sharing my thoughts. I was raised in south Alabama with a cajun mom from Louisiana and a good ole country boy of a Dad from the "middle of nowhere" Alabama. Our families' life revolved around food. We don't eat to live in the Jackson family...we live to eat! I grew up eating Gumbo, Jambalaya, Red Beans & RIce...and Pork Chops, Tomato Gravy, Fried Okra and Collard Greens. How could I not grow up to be obsessed with great food? My palette grew increasingly fond of all things international, like Mexican Food! And after my first trip to Italy with my mom at age 15, I was hooked! I swore that I would visit Italy again and learn the language. First step: minor in Italian in college. I studied abroad in Bologna, Italy for a summer after my freshman year. It was the most freeing experience because I was there pretty much by myself with a lot of people I didn't know and a language I barely spoke. By the end of my time there, though, I felt completely at home. I am pretty sure that trip is responsible for my becoming a bit of a wino as well. It was the first time I had really had anything to drink in my life and fortunately for my palette I was introduced to the world of wine through some of Italy's best. Today, I live and work mostly out of LA but am grateful that my work allows me to travel and also some free time to do my own exploring. I hope you enjoy my perspective on the world of food and wine :) Blissfully yours,
Canden Bliss, the Winey Foodie